Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:

Bosco Sticks

Chicken Sandwich


Pepperoni Pizza

Mozzarella Sticks

Attention High School students - please be quiet during passing period this week while junior high students are testing.

Attention Juniors & Seniors:  After Prom permission slips are available in the office and are due by Monday, April 15th.  Everyone attending After Prom MUST have a form turned in.  

Please dismiss the track team at 2:20 today.


There will be a hs boys basketball meeting 9th hour in Mr Kennedy’s room this Friday for any current 8th grade-Junior interested in playing next season. 

Game Club DnD students, please meet in the Ag Shop to finalize next Champain’s plan.


Attention seniors:  Patriotism essays are due on April 22nd.  They can be hard copied to Shay Simmons but she would prefer a PDF file. Her address and email are on the form that is on the table inside the office door.  The heading of the form says, "2024 Ridgeview HS Senior Essay Awards".  This is not a scholarship for college.  Any senior can enter.  3rd prize is $100  2nd prize is $250

1st prize  $500.