Lunch today:

Cheeseburger Mac

Chicken Nuggets

Peach Yogurt Parfait


Cheese Pizza

Dance cards are now available in the HS office. All students attending the dance must fill out a dance card and prepay.  Tickets are on sale in the HS office for $8/person.  If you are bringing a guest that is not a Ridgeview student there is a form to be completed, so plan accordingly.

On Friday September 10th all HS students will be going to Lexington for their homecoming parade at 1:30p.  Permission slips have been sent to your parents email.  Please remind them to sign and submit so that you can attend.  If you do not get your permission slip signed, you will be staying at the school during that time.   

If you're looking for a fun activity to get involved with, come to fall play auditions today in the library during activity period and after school. No experience or nervousness necessary...just come and try it out! You can pick up audition scenes in the library or Mr. Metz's room. 

Game Club will be hosting a pizza party during their first meeting today at 3:05!  There will be a variety of other snacks and beverages as well.  If you are interested in coming, bringing something of your own, or joining the Google Classroom for Game Club to stay up-to-date with activities, please see Mr. Leinweber.  Please also make transportation arrangements ahead of time, so we can see you Wednesday directly after school for some Casey’s pizza and fun! 

Today, tomorrow and Friday there will be Class Meetings with your Class Sponsor for Homecoming Prep in the same Location you were at Monday during activity period. 

Freshmen meet in the Media Center

Sophomores meet in the Ag Shop

Juniors meet in the HS gym 

Seniors meet in the APR

Mr. Quinn will be meeting with the senior class on Tuesday, September 7th at the start of the Activity Period.  The meeting will be in the Big Gym and all seniors are required to attend.  The meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.

Mr. Quinn will be meeting with the junior class on Wednesday, September 8th at the start of Activity Period.  This meeting will also be in the Big Gym.  All Juniors are required to attend.  The meeting will take no more than 15 minutes.