Lunch today: 

Bosco Sticks

Breaded Chicken Sandwich


Meat Lover Pizza

Meatball Pizza Sub 

Dance cards are now available in the HS office. All students attending the dance must fill out a dance card and prepay.  Tickets are on sale in the HS office for $8/person.  If you are bringing a guest that is not a Ridgeview student there is a form to be completed, so plan accordingly.

On Friday September 10th all HS students will be going to Lexington for their homecoming parade at 1:30p.  Permission slips have been sent to your parents email.  Please remind them to sign and submit so that you can attend.  If you do not get your permission slip signed, you will be staying at the school during that time.   


Class Meetings will continue today during activity period.  

Mr. Quinn will be meeting with the senior class on Tuesday, September 7th at the start of the Activity Period.  The meeting will be in the Big Gym and all seniors are required to attend.  The meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.

Mr. Quinn will be meeting with the junior class on Wednesday, September 8th at the start of Activity Period.  This meeting will also be in the Big Gym.  All Juniors are required to attend.  The meeting will take no more than 15 minutes.


We will be giving the PSAT test on Wednesday, October 13th.  This is an optional test for Juniors & Sophomores.  College bound juniors are encouraged to take this test.  A high score on this test could be tied to scholarships or dual credit placement.  The cost of the test is $18.  This can be paid through family access or in the office.  The payment is due by Monday, September 13th

Parkland College will be hosting a College Fair on Wednesday, September 15th.  Over 75 colleges and Universities will be represented.  This is a very valuable night for seniors or even juniors to make contact with several colleges.  Mr. Quinn highly recommends this event.  It will take place from 6 - 8 pm.  Parkland College is in Champaign.

Attention all freshmen, sophomores, & juniors:  The national youth Forum on Medicine offers summer programs in many cities across the United States.  If you are thinking about entering a medical field in the future and would like more information on these programs, stop by to see Mr. Quinn no later than Thursday, September 9th.  The programs will take place in the summer of 2022.