Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Broccoli Cheese Soup w/Pretzel

Chicken Sandwich

Yogurt Power Pack

Cheese Pizza

Pepperoni Calzone

Reminder for all HS boys and girls basketball players that can make it, tomorrow we will meet in the South Gym at 7:50 for 100 High Five's. Boys please check team reach for what to wear.

On Thursday Feb. 2nd all HS boys and girls basketball players need to report to the HS Gym at 2:40p to shoot free throws for The Free Throws for Hero's charity activity.

Students and Staff. If you have not voted for Teacher of the Month or Student of the Month, please submit your votes in the google from this morning. 


Atten Seniors - there will be a quick senior meeting tomorrow in the HS gym at the beginning of activity period.

Anyone participating in The American Legion essay contest your essay is due tomorrow.  Turn it in to Mr. Quinn or Mr. Taylor

On February 22nd Leroy High school is hosting a Constructions, Trades, & Manufacturing Career Event. If interested in this event please see Mr. Quinn or Mr. Taylor for more information.