We are looking for a District Office Administrative Assistant to join the Mustang Team. Contact Erik Young, Superintendent to apply - eyoung@ridgeview19.org
5 months ago, Erik Young
Admin Assistant Job Posting
Thank you STANGS for supplying the kindergarten students with T-shirts. We really appreciate it!!
5 months ago, Stacey Helmig
Mrs. Beck's class became a part of the NASA research team in the Discovery Lab at the Challenger Learning Center. They collected data and experimented with light and mirrors to see how the James Webb Telescope functions in space.
5 months ago, Mrs. Beck
Mrs. Beck’s class embarked on a simulated space mission where they worked in Mission Control, launched into space on the space shuttle, and conducted research in the Space Station. They worked as a team to problem solve and had a successful mission to the Challenger Learning Center!
5 months ago, Mrs. Beck
We hope everyone enjoys their winter break and we look forward to seeing everyone in January.
5 months ago, Carolyn Jent
Additional details can be found here: https://www.ridgeview19.org/page/district-vacancies
5 months ago, Erik Young
Bookkeeper Vacancy
4th grade is shading a candy cane right now.
5 months ago, Christine Hoffert
Craypa is easy to blend and it’s messy!
Look at my candy cane.
Green and red was the favorite color combination .
so much fun!
Pre-K enjoyed a morning out at Helmig's Tree Farm! Huge thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Helmig for a great morning!
5 months ago, Kari Maubach
Mustang Award Winners for the week of 12/11. We are so proud of all of you!
5 months ago, Ben Hutley
K-2 winners
3-5 winners
Grand prize winners Layla Trhlik and Izzy Chavarria (not pictured)
Additional details can be found here: https://www.ridgeview19.org/page/district-vacancies
5 months ago, Loraine Vandegraft
District Bookkeeper Vacancy
Kindergarten artist's painting their clay pins with glaze.
5 months ago, Christine Hoffert
An art show sneak peek. 5th grade clay birds.
5 months ago, Christine Hoffert
Clay birds .
Clay birds
Clay birds.
Clay birds.
Clay birds.
4th graders studied the Chinese Ming Dynasty.
5 months ago, Christine Hoffert
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Ming vase
Elementary spirit week 12/18-12/22. Join in on the holiday fun!
5 months ago, Jennifer Scaggs
Christmas Spirit week
This weeks Mustang award winners! Congratulations to all!
5 months ago, Jennifer Scaggs
Prize winners
The Ridgeview 5th grade band did a great job during their first concert! We're so proud of you all!
5 months ago, Ben Hutley
Mr. Marchese conducts the band.
5th grade band
5th grade band
Elementary Mustang Award recipients for the week of 11/27 - 12/1. Way to go everyone who made those around you feel safe, happy, respected, and loved!
5 months ago, Ben Hutley
PreK -2nd grade recipients
3rd-5th grade recipients
Grand prize winners Dawson Whitehouse and Caris Kennedy
Please share!
5 months ago, Loraine Vandegraft
hiring 12.5.23
Fourth grade art students made their own scratch art paper. They are working on ancient Chinese Ming vases.
5 months ago, Christine Hoffert
Scratch art
Ancient designs
Good work!
We are getting messy in art.
This is fun!
Concentration is key.
Fifth grade artists are wedging their clay. They are preparing to make birds.
5 months ago, Christine Hoffert
This is an important step in making sure the clay is ready to be used.